Bone Chiller! A comedy presented by Licking County Players

Licking County Players Playhouse 131 W. Main St., Newark, OH, United States

Thirteen people gather on Friday the 13th at the Travers mansion in New York for the reading of Josiah's will. The audience will have a ball trying to untangle the puzzle faster than the hapless characters. By the final act, revelations are exploding as surprise piles upon surprise, and gasps alternate with howls of laughter. […]

$10 – $15

Irish Ceili at the Granville Center for the Arts

Granville Center for the Arts

Join us for our second annual Irish Ceili at the Granville Center for the Arts! A Ceili (pronounced "kay-lee") is a festive gathering rooted in Irish and Scottish tradition, where […]

Event Series Newark City Council

Newark City Council

Newark City Hall Council Chambers 40 W. Main Street, 1st Floor, Newark, Ohio

Regular session meetings are held at 40 W. Main St., City Hall Council Chambers, 1st Floor on the 1st & 3rd Mondays of every month, except for Monday holidays (moved […]